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Children's Crusade
Parents who've lost custody of their kids say the family law system is broken, and state lawmakers agree
Regulating Medi-Pot In San Jose
Oliverio's plan would zone and tax medical marijuana clinics, and use the money for cops and roads
Urban Warfare
Frustrated downtown nightclub owners back political newcomer in council race; vow to 'play dirty'
Dr. Doomslayer
After 35-plus years battling climate change, Stanford's Stephen Schneider refuses to surrender hope
Remembering Loma Prieta
Twenty years later, the devastating earthquake is recalled fondly in a town that got hit hard
And They're Off
Five candidates are already out of the gate for June county supervisors election
Solar Stimulus
Solyndra puts $535 million federal loan guarantee to work building a new manufacturing plant in Fremont
State of Emergency
Local leaders call town meeting to discuss the never-ending crisis in Sacramento
Plastic Surgery
Coastal cleanup moves upstream in an effort tokeep trash out of the bay
Space Workforce Down
Sunnyvale's NASA Ames battens down while federal cutbacks hurt aerospace industry
Store Wars
Safeway's shiny new 'Market' is being touted as a boon to downtown—just blocks from San Jose's own Zanotto's
Class Action
Santa Clara University teaches sustainability—and practices what it teaches
Ridden Out of Town
Scooter shop owner says San Jose's bureaucracy forced him to move
Silicon Valley Goes To Washington
Obama headhunts local legal, academic and corporate leaders.
Follow the Money
Is San Jose's secretive, poison-pen political blog illegally funded by tax-exempt charitable donations?
Second-Class Students
San Jose State endures brunt of state's budget cuts
Riding Out the Crisis
VTA is forced to cut back service, even as demand (finally) surges
Tourists Pay to Play
California's State Parks draw visitors' and their money, and closing them to fix the budget might backfire
Sarah vs. the Blogosphere
Gov. Palin's surprise decision was in fact typical—when things get tough, she backs down
Failed State
In the wake of another budget debacle, a look back at how California became ungovernable
End of the Trail
Dirt bikers want access to an off-road paradise--even if the place is made of poisonous asbestos
Attack of the Gadfly
Former Los Gatos Town Council member launches a last fight against Town Hall
Pride vs. Prop. 8
Organizers of this year's parade predict an enthusiastic response to anti-gay legislation
Frogs Are Croaking
While the native red-legged is going extinct, it's open season on the mighty bullfrog
Social Artworking
A painter scans faces in Facebook for subjects, and attracts thousands to his online gallery
Desperate Measures
On Tuesday, May 19, voters will be asked to do what their elected leaders could not
Twittering in Baghdad
Silicon Valley execs join State Department delegation to Iraq
Poor People's Law
San Jose likely to cut funding for Legal Aid Society
Border War Continues
Congressmen, speakers ask the president to focus on immigration reform
Response Time
San Jose city leaders seem reluctant to confront a mounting controversy—again
Clean Dreams
Will battery issues kill the electric car?
Moms Tell Tots: 'You're Fired!'
Local children hit hard by wave of layoffs
The New News Thing
Traditional news sources still can't navigate Web 2.0
Delta Blues
With much-needed funding unavailable, California farmers and nature lovers are fighting over dwindling water resources
High Speed Derail
Will local protesters block the fast-track to the future?
Fraternity Life & Death
Junior Johnson's Sigma Chi brothers are mourning his apparent suicide, while his mother says they killed him
Territorial Dispute
Can Madison Nguyen's troubles be explained away as a branding battle between two shopping centers, and the powerful men who own them?
Nonprofits' Nightmare
Poncho Guevara reflects on the daunting new challenges faced by the valley's poor, and the folks who serve them
Web 3.0
Apture adds a new window to the two-dimensional screen
Sleazy Riders
Morgan Hill–based Specialized Bicycles fights off wave of dangerous Chinese counterfeits
Talking Teen Sex
MTV tapes local segment of reality show designed to get parents and kids talking
Post-Partisan Pork
Is San Jose's nonpolitical mayor in a position to attract federal clean-tech dollars?
The Appointed One
He has run and never won, yet Eddie Garcia is an office-holder once again
Chasing the Quarry
The state battles global warming in cement plants like Cupertino's Hanson Permanente
Gimme Shelter
A spike in unemployment and a drop in temperature mean a rough holiday season for too many local families
Flex Time
Under Pat Dando, the Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce has amped up its political efforts—with mixed results
Current Events
Silicon Valley think-tank pumps electricity from the sea
Madison Nguyen's Last Stand
Inside the embattled councilmember's recall fight
Morning in Obamaland
Silicon Valley Obama 'movement' takes a new direction—local races and issues
Outlawed Love
Newlyweds speak out on Prop. 8
Animal Pharm
The FDA's lax approach to labeling foods from genetically modified animals comes under fire
History in the Making
Locals got out the vote on an election day like no other
Street Justice
Students march on County Building to protest Prop. 6
Map Dance
Prop 11 would end a system that lets lawmakers make up their own legislative districts
Protest Vote
As a headstrong newcomer facing off against George Shirakawa, Richard Hobbs has shaken up the District 2 supes race
Tourist Trap
Homeland Security sets up a new San Jose office to apprehend immigrant fugitives
Crash Course
Stanford economist says the government must intervene in the Wall Street collapse—but taxpayers shouldn't foot the bill
Political Power Grid
Silicon Valley–based Clean Tech for Obama spreads its message—and money
Gone, Baby, Gone
A San Jose mother tries to prevent the Department of Corrections from sending her son to an out-of-state prison
Unreal Estate
This deal sounded too good to be true. It was. And it was just one of the schemes that wreaked havok on real estate.
Where the Flavor Isn't
Eshoo bill would put a stop to flavored cigarettes enjoyed by children and hipsters. Does it go too far?
We Got Game
Top gamers pour in from all over the world as NVISION makes San Jose the mecca of visual computing
Obama's Strike Force
Palo Alto volunteers built an unorthodox campaign office, but its success capturing Silicon Valley votes and money has it playing a key role in battleground states
Pique Show
Los Gatos councilmember quits suddenly amid simmering resentment
History Lesson
Grand jury schools the city on its mishandling of money for History San Jose, but that may not be its only nonprofit problem
Truth or Scare?
UFO researchers confront rash of new evidence regarding 'observed technology'
BART or Bust
Fuzzy math and fear of public opinion are making the BART tax seem like a faith-based initiative
Sacramento Is Burning
Think the budget battle is just a numbers game? This summer's blazes reveal the real cost of the state's money problems
Green Money
New financial programs make solar energy affordable
Smells Like the End
A proud and odorous era wanes as economic woes force mushroom farms out of Morgan Hill
Toxic Shock
Poisonous products banned in most nations are killing Americans and threatening the economy
Slammed Doorman
DA files felony charges in Los Gatos assault case
Club Dread
Downtown promoters lose fight for the right to party
Drowning in Neglect
Olympic glory fades as Santa Clara, once the national capital of competitive swimming, ignores its once great pools
Town and Country
Angry residents in San Martin want to build a city to protect their farmlands from the county
Clocked Out
One man's quest to restore San Jose's forgotten clock tower
Teflon Mann
Scandals build name recognition. And that's Craig Mann's ace-in-the-hole in his run for San Jose City Council.
Grounds for Suspicion
County puts former pesticide-company exec in charge of project to rid public lands of poisonous chemicals
All You Can't Eat
In the 'food desert' of East Palo Alto, a local farmers market wages a battle against obesity and near-starvation
Quiet Riot
An aerospace engineer unveils the silent invention he says will save motocross
Private Business, Public Interest
If there is such a thing as an enlightened business group, Silicon Valley Leadership Group could be the prototype
B Warned
As many as 35,000 local Asians and Pacific Islanders in Santa Clara County have the deadly virus hep B-and don't know it
Gangster's Paradox
Law enforcement uses the state's gang-enhancement law to crack down on violence, but a judge's ruling in the Joshua Herrera case raises questions about its reach
Achilli's Heel
Los Gatos rocked by restaurateur's death
Swallowed Up
The Northern California Megaregion can eat Silicon Valley for breakfast
Deal or No Deal
The cost-effectiveness of taking cases to court may change how the county deals with lawsuits it was once eager to settle
Layoffs Loom at Merc
Newsroom on edge as MediaNews offers buyout
Clone Wars
The FDA says meat from clones is as safe as any other food, but critics say the agency hasn't done nearly enough testing.
Skatepark Sabotage?
The district attorney's office takes on charges of improper conduct in the bitter Los Gatos skate debate
With the looming threat of costly lawsuits, the county may consider reaching out to the exonerated
Vote safe and sane on the ballot's confusing propositions with Metro's recommendations
Everybody Off The Streets
County officials admit they're losing the battle against homelessness. But with a revolutionary approach, they say they can end it locally in seven years.
Secret's Out
As Macworld Expo hits, there's something missing this year: the überfan whose inside information drove Steve Jobs nuts
I Sing of Ron Paul
Willow Glen musician Steve Dore has taken up the outsider candidate's cause-and become a one-man YouTube revolution in the process
Food Fight
Sunnyvale joins the grassroots movement to save kids from the Department of Agriculture with a farm-to-school revolt