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Technology news
The feminist frontiers of science fiction are explored at Wiscon
Technology news
Human-Animal Hybrid Clones
Technology news
Why Wikipedia Can't Save Us
Technology news
How the Internet dream is turning into a tethered nightmare
Technology news
Grand Theft Auto just gets better and better
Technology news
How the Internet encourages people to censor themselves
Technology news
Writing for the Internet is a new way of publishing
Technology news
Microsoft or Google-does it really matter who absorbs Yahoo! after all?
Technology news
Are we ready for transgendered pregnant dads?
Technology news
What happens when standard English becomes Internet English?
Technology news
How Twitter's color wars wasted everybody's time
Technology news
Hooker Science
Technology news
The Users Are Revolting
Technology news
In a few years you won't need a computer
Technology news
War on Science
Technology news
The problem with colonizing Mars is that it would look all too much like colonizing Earth.
Technology news
Annalee Newitz explains why she hates Facebook.
Technology news
The information age's promise of a democratic, communication-based utopia is a lie.
Technology news
Say what you want about Google being an evil corporate overlord, but there are still some good things about the company.
Technology news
Annalee Newitz is perplexed by the uproar over eating cloned meat.
Technology news
The return of Blog Anxiety.
Technology news
Lesk's Law: Content outruns our ability to store it.
Technology news
Barack's YouTube ad begs the question: Is a politician like an old Mac? And is that a good thing?
Technology news
Hacking can be used for good or bad—the Tor case proves the point, Annalee Newitz writes.
Technology news
From Blogomultisphere to Podthrusting, Annalee Newitz psychs out the cyber trends.
Technology news
Store your data on someone else's server? Sure, it's convenient, but is it safe?
Technology news: Second Life
Are role-playing avatars in SL gender specific, or is it just the scientists who study them?
Technology news: Second Life
Are role-playing avatars in SL gender specific, or is it just the scientists who study them?
Technology news: That crazy astronaut
Annalee Newitz is glad that female astronauts are just as dangerous as male space jockeys.
Technology news: Safe2Pee.org
This site keeps track of gender-free restrooms.
Technology news: GoDaddy
They act quickly to censor websites they don't like—just ask Fyodor Vaskovich about SecLists.
Technology News: eBay
What the site tells us about how different cultures trust each other and strangers.
Technology News: 'His Dark Materials'
Annalee Newitz reads Philip Pullman's adult fantasy trilogy and wonders why everybody thinks it is anti-religion.
Technology News: The Stop the Online Exploitation of Our Children Act
Annalee Newitz gives four reasons to oppose this legislation.
Technology News: Future thought
Annalee Newitz wonders if a love for science fiction is inherited.
Technology News: New Year's resolutions for geeks
Next year, Annalee Newitz will spend at least one weekend doing nothing but sitting in front of the TV and practicing her death moves.
Technology News: Wikipedia vs. Women
Is it better for women to segregate themselves or stay in the male-dominated realm of Wikipedia and fight to be given an equal voice?
Technology News: Spam
Annalee Newitz learns the secrets of evil spammers and heroic anti-spammers.
Technology News: Antikythera Mechanism
Annalee Newitz can't stop thinking about a 2,000-year-old computerlike device made by Greeks wanting to predict the motion of the sun, moon and stars.
Technology News: Stupid new holiday gadgets
If you are the registered owner of the media, you are permitted to play it. If you aren't, it's deleted from your device, and your transgression is reported to the central media certification authority.
Technology News: Happiness
One can even have too much of it and never develop the emotional skills required to endure hardship or setbacks.
Technology News: Microsoft Linux
Microsoft is trying to muddy the waters just enough that consumers will stop recognizing the fundamental divide between Windows and Linux.
Technology News: Some 'good genes' can't be passed on
In the genetic war between the sexes, genes that are good for one sex aren't necessarily good for the opposite-sex children who inherit them.
Technology News: Archiving TV
Because copyright laws gum up the process of archiving TV footage, nobody is tracking and indexing TV the way librarians do books and movies. This is simply ridiculous.
Technology News: 'CSA: The Confederate States of America'
This faux documentary is even more chilling on DVD.
Technology News: GooTube
The thing is, YouTube isn't about searchability. You don't go there to plug in a search term and find information.
Technology News: Geowanking
Platial is a mashup of Google Maps and allows you build and store customized maps that you share with friends (try it! it's insanely addictive).
Technology News: Small Pieces Unjoined
Annalee Newitz feels cheated by the walls that have gone up on the web—not the walls that protect her personal information, but the ones that prevent her from finding friends.
Technology News: 'Hip Buzz Phrases'
Not only does PimpedEmail take money away from its users, it takes away their knowledge of how domain names work—and by extension, it takes away just a bit more of their power.
Technology News: Chumby
This is a piece of consumer electronics in the most meaningful sense of that term. Consumers can do what they want with it.
Technology News: Political Satire
In honor of Bush's efforts to stop torture by setting up secret CIA prisons and to promote freedom by expanding government surveillance powers, we should spend a few days contemplating another great thing this administration has done for the world: It has reinvigorated satire.
Technology News: Five Years After 9/11
The attacks led to a blooming of 'citizen journalism," which has coincided with the rise of government surveillance online.
Technology News: Getting 'Pwned'
All those horror stories about identity theft won't faze Annalee Newitz.
Technology News: 'Snakes on a Plane'
How a campy little Samuel L. Jackson horror flick became an Internet phenomenon.
Technology News: AOL Search Data Spill
AO Hell does another stupid thing.
Technology News: Blog Menace
People who inject nasty code into blog feeds are using the web's fastest free-speech engine to wreak havoc—and in the process, they could undermine free speech itself.
Technology News: Superrodents
Imagine genetically engineered, supertame, superskinny, super-long-lived, nonbreeding rats. Or humans. Science says we can do it!
Technology News: 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest'
Annalee Newitz on why the 'Pirates' sequel has trounced 'Superman Returns' at the box office.
Technology News: Harry Potter Wars
How Ms. Scribe brought havoc to the world of fanfic.
Technology News: Verizon's Tubes
Verizon is covertly preparing customers for an ugly new world without netword neutrality.
Technology News: John Updike
Why old-guy writers like Updike just don't understand what the Internet is doing to publishing in the 21st century.
Technology News: World Wide Meme
How one bad Moldavian pop song became the pop-culture meme of choice on the web.
Technology News: Personal Surveillance Etiquette
The whole practice of calling and hanging up without leaving a message has taken on a new meaning.
Technology News: Laptops for Dolphins
Let's decode dolphin syntax so we can figure out what our slippery mammal pals want.
Technology News: Genetic Engineering
Why women should seize the power of genetic engineering before men screw it up.
Technology News: 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'
The older Annalee Newitz gets, the more she's obsessed with comic books.
Technology News: NSA
You can't remedy poor foreign intel with domestic spying on the telephone network.
Technology News: Internet Porn
Ask not how porn has changed the Internet, ask how the Internet has changed porn.
Technology News
Net Neutrality: Can the telecom companies force pay-to-play rules on the Internet?
Technology News
New York, New York: Annalee Newitz talks a walk on the wild sides of Central Park.
Technology News: The Great Email Debate
Is Goodmail's email certification plan a way to charge for email?
Technology News: Sleep-Deprived Gamers
Belgian scientists prove that losing sleep over video games is a good way to lose your memory, too; Annalee Newitz reports.
Technology News: Slashdot
Annalee Newitz has a love/hate relationship with techies' blog of record.
Technology News: Arbitrary Anachronism
Tech columnist Annalee Newitz visits the past as re-created by costumed role players in Yolo County.
Technology News: MoodGrapher Online
Annalee Newitz asks if measuring computer users' mood merely reveals how much buzz has been generated by advertising campaigns.
Technology News: Root Vaults
Firefox plug-in will record your entire clickstream, including Google searches and things you've bought online.
Technology: When Robot Floorsweepers Attack
A Roomba cockfight breaks out at O'Reilly's Emerging Technology conference (ETech).
Technology: Remembering Octavia Butler
Sci-fi novelist Octavia Butler could invent a new species, place them in a detailed alternate world and yet never forget that her characters need to eat and go to the bathroom.
Technology: Fighting Mental Clutter Online
Information clutter leads to errors by computer users, according to a new study by the University of Florence. The findings have relevance for software design and search-engine organization in the new attention economy.
Technology News
U.S. companies struggle with the Prime Directive in dealing with China.
Technology News
Interbreeders: 'So the idea of pure, distinct races in humans does not exist.'
Technology News
Son of Dotcom.
Technology News
Microsoft, Google and your privacy.
Technology News
Mars Investigations.
Technology News
Good Fakes.
Technology News
Like a Girl.
Technology News
Censorship for Dummies.
Technology News
Europe Calling.
Technology News
Best. Monster. Ever.
Technology News
Maui Drowning?
Technology News
Music Is Evil.
Technology News
Man's Place.
Technology News
Good Drugs.
Technology News
Ping Meltdown.
Technology News
Hacking the Subway.
Technology News
Why Mice Sing.
Technology News
Patents Kill.
Technology News
Strike Blogs Put Workers on the Web.
Technology News
Meme War.
Technology News
Bugged Game.
Technology News
Glamorous Disease.
Technology News
Evolved Again.
Technology News
You Can't Take the Sky From Me: A 'Firefly' fan sings the praises of Joss Whedon's antiauthoritarian sci-fi franchise.
Technology News
Connect the Dots.
Technology News
Can't Kill P2P.
Technology News
Google Earth is globalism instantiated.
Technology News
Fantasy surpasses sci-fi as the genre that best captures the vicissitudes of our high-tech, security-obsessed age.
Technology News
Smart geeks keep getting harassed or bribed into silence by major corporations all the time.
Technology News
Technology News
Technology News
Cyber Heroes!
Technology News
Top Genome.
Technology News
Hot for Data.
Technology News
No Road for You.
Technology News
On File.
Technology News
Ika Resula.
Technology News
Not Born Violent.
Technology News
Everybody Loves Vader.
Technology News
Fantasies of E3.
Technology News
Burn Your License.
Technology News
Merit Badge.
Technology News
Jihad! Jihad!
Technology News
Even if you don't believe in gods, sometimes you find yourself praying to one of them.
Technology News
Free the Cameras.
Technology News
Open Maps.
Technology News
Court Camp.
Technology News
Mother's Little Sniffer.
Technology News
Technology News
Help TechJail the Poor.
Technology News
B-List Blogs.
Technology News
Larry's Taste.
Technology News
Who Moved My Data?
Technology News
Pig Organs.
Technology News
Who Moved My Data?
Technology News
The outcome of the wars over peer-to-peer software could decimate the bedrock of the U.S. economy.
Technology News
Apple hates its fans.
Technology News
Annalee Newitz is fuming mad over the final verdict in the Harrah's Makeup case.
Technology News
In the wake of calamity, we always wonder what's next.
Technology News
The outcome of the 'Brand X' case has the potential to change the cost of broadband cable Internet access.
Technology News
It's never too late to be annoyed by stupid futurism.
Technology News
The hardest thing in this world of Joss Whedon-less TV is to live in it.
Technology News
Annalee Newitz joins in the holiday spirit by talking about the many ways capitalism has screwed you this year.
Technology News
Annalee Newitz loves porn.
Technology News
Voting machine fraud?
Technology News
Annalee Newitz explains how to avoid surveillance while on the Internet.
Technology News
Annalee Newitz explains why she'd feel guilty about ripping the new Le Tigre CD.
Technology News
Annalee Newitz is plagued by questions about the Internet, like 'Why doesn't somebody save Salon.com?'
Technology News
Flu Panic.
Technology News
Wiretap This!
Technology News
U.S. legislators are already hard at work keeping our wonderful country safe from the freedoms outlined in the Constitution.
Technology News
Hollywood hates kids.
Technology News
What happens in a world where arbitrary limits are placed on people's ability to create?
Technology News
The whole 'blogs are replacing journalism' meme is so 2002.
Technology News
Berlin has become a hacker haven.
Technology News
There can never be enough bad things to say about the extropians and their late '80s L.A. robot cult philosophy.
Technology News
When Ashcroft attacks.
Technology News
Forget Grokster.
Technology News
Internet voting sucks.
Technology News
Maybe we should rename the FCC. We could just call it the FCFCC, or the Federal Communications for Cash Commission.
Technology News
Imagine a world without political parody.
Technology News
What message is the government sending with their treatment of Steven Kurtz?
Technology News
The latest evolution in phone technology is 'voice over Internet Protocol.'
Technology News
Google will never inspire the passion that the Hackers on Planet Earth conference did.
Technology News
Mashups: a record company lawyer's worst nightmare.
Technology News
Sen. Orrin Hatch wants to put the smackdown on people who 'induce' copyright infringement.
Technology News
The history of the Pledge of Allegiance is one of creeping conservatism.
Technology News
We're so used to the idea that our telephones and computers can be tapped at any time that we forget things haven't always been this way.
Technology News
Disasters wrack the pseudoscientific world.
Technology News
Voting science, or even sticking to a science party line, isn't as easy as you might imagine.
Technology News
Forget the cast of 'Friends'that Verizon 'Can You Hear Me Now?' Guy will be there for you.
Technology News
There's a cool machine called GNU Radio--but you're not allowed to buy it.
Technology News
Can the Masturbate-a-thon thrive in an era when everyone's cracking down on free erotic expression?
Technology News
Security is a hot industry right now.
Technology News
Annalee Newitz sings jubilantly about spam.
Technology News
The HomestarRunner.com webtoons prove that Flash animation doesn't have to be on the lame side.
Technology News
What if you had a flash mob, and no mobs came?
Technology News
Annalee Newitz says the iPod is evil.
Technology News
Planning to be dead.
Technology News
A school district bans Google.
Technology News
Genetic engineering may not be as bad as some make it out to be.
Technology News
The mainstream "progressive" media still hasn't figured out high-tech activism.
Technology News
'HaXXXor': Half porno, half hacker instructional video.
Technology News
The most devious minds in the computer industry unite at the hacker conference CodeCon.
Technology News
The most wanted jobs of the new millennium are in genomics.
Technology News
Orkut.com is evil.
Technology News
Annalee Newitz gets her ass to Mars.
Technology News
The kinky side of sci-fi geekdom.
Technology News
Prostitution may be the oldest profession on earth, but the oldest science on earth is no doubt the study of longevity.
Technology News
A new book shows how to create V-people--social bots that can be used to replace service workers or game players online.
Technology News
The new SB 1386 law requires companies to notify Californians if their personal data is at risk of being stolen by hackers. But does SB 1386 have its limitations?
Technology News
Car Cultureerse social engineering is sort of like social engineering crossed with reverse psychology.
Technology News
And now, a moment of silence for the Merlin hand-held proto-Game Boy that I had in sixth grade, Atari game systems, Commodore 64s, reel-to-reel tape players, fax machines...
Technology News
Geeks have started hacking systems like Friendster, HotorNot and AIM chat to score dates.
Technology News
The nmap port scanner may be useful for protecting your computer, but it can also become a hacker's deadliest weapon.
Technology News
Why do we need computerized brain-imaging machines to detect racism?
Technology News
Could worms actually be making computers safer?
Technology News
The Multimedia Undead.
Technology News
Voting machine manufacturer Diebold fails its screen test.
Technology News
Technology News
Eat My Stem Cell.
Technology News
Could Tribe.net be better than Friendster?
Technology News
Lawyer Robin Gross fights for truth and IP (intellectual property) justice.
Technology News
Subpoena Me, Too!
Technology News
High Entropy Week.
Technology News
Boob Toggle.
Technology News
Mods Rule.
Technology News
Liberating the Xbox.
Technology News
Arnie Online.
Technology News
Technology News
Remote Control.
Technology News
Up Your Nose.
Technology News
Why I Infringe.
Technology News
The Damned.
Technology News
The Curry Menace.
Technology News
The Mysteries of Theo.
Technology News
Sex in the Library.
Technology News
What Is the Internet?
Technology News
Science for Everybody.
Technology News
FCC and Anti-FCC.
Technology News
Sex in the Matrix.
Technology News
Buffy Spoilers.
Technology News
Ripper Is a Gangster!!!
Technology News
You're Wearing It.
Technology News
Cleaning Up PayPal.
Technology News
Devices of Dissent.
Technology News
On Record.
Technology News
Nuclear Trip.
Technology News
Sex Crime.
Technology News
I'm Searching.
Technology News
Law of Error.
Technology News
Technology News
You Are Fat.
Technology News
Viva High-Tech Cuba.
Technology News
Freedom to Quote.
Technology News
Enjoy Your Disease!
Technology News
Psychedelic Sci-Fi.
Technology News
Baby Makers.
Technology News
WiFi Peril.
Technology News
I Was Wrong.
Technology News
Social Experiments.
Technology News
Harry Porker and the Chamber of Semen.
Technology News
Mother Cyborg.
Technology News
Right-Wing Darwinism.
Technology News
The Lego Mystique.
Technology News
The Usual Suspects.