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San Jose Sunshine Ordinance
A sunshine ordinance has been discussed for seven years. It was just defanged in non-public meetings. And it looks like nothing will happen until after the mayoral elections anyway.
News: The Zero-Sum Game
Why the Bush administration's policy of 'preventative' engagement could make nuclear warfare a reality.
Ten Things to Do With a Bike in Santa Cruz
From tuneups at the Santa Cruz Bike Church and training rides with local cycling clubs to late-night cookie-runs and same-day package delivery, a rundown of exciting activities as bike season arrives.
Santa Cruz Political News: Chris Krohn
Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors candidate Chris Krohn and his wife defend using university email to influence an online poll.
Can the 1906 Earthquake Help Sonoma, Marin and Napa Guess the Future?
Using 100-year-old data, experts scoff at the so-called science of predictions.
News: Sonoma Valley Hospital to Use Eminent Domain?
Land grab or seismic shakeup? Sonoma residents are torn.