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The Big Four
Introducing the North Bay's newest arbiters of taste.
Conceptions of Misperception
Antenna Theater founder Chris Hardman's dual purpose.
Creating Places
Reflections on Patricia Johanson—the artist as savior.
Facing War
Pictorial memorial makes unusual connections.
Face the Camera
Our second annual photo contest is all about face.
Poised for Pleasure
Holiday arts: Our guide to the season's upcoming movies, arts, music and stage events.
Prehensile Tales
On intelligent design, Bigfoot, Bob Cooper and our nearest ancestors.
Living Fine
Clip 'n' save--your one-step Google-bot to Bay Area arts.
Private Universe
Robert McChesney's galactic world.
Miracle Worker
How one man convinced all of Sonoma County's cantankerous and disparate arts orgs to work together--in the name of sculpture.
New museum director Amos Klausner has designs on the future.
Byck's Miracle
Sculpture Sonoma, 2005--coming to a venue near you.
Fantastic Four:
A new quartet of superheroes steps up to fight evil. Their turf? The Middle East.
Boob Tube
Fighting willful nipples, Shrinky Dinks and computerized sewing machines, Sara Bir descends to semi-celebrity status on 'Smart Solutions.'
Addicted to Joys
Rock writer Michael Goldberg turns his eye to new challenges.
Stub Sandwich
A critic looks back on his top 10 torn tickets of 2004.
Sense of Place
The results of our first annual photo contest.
Secret Life of Paints
New exhibits at Sonoma County Museum marry artists with the natural world.
Signs of Life
'Amazing Luminous Fountain' marks new era for di Rosa.
Fall Visual Arts
Our guide to warm autumn days, hot autumn nights.
Mr. Fliptron Goes to Burning Man
'Vault of Heaven' theme sends artists to the moon.
By the Beautiful Sea
Just at the golden sweet spot of high summer, several visual art exhibitions beckon us back indoors.
Sense of Place
Sculptor Robert Ellison shapes the world.
Bronze Age
Rodin exhibit descends upon Sonoma.
Wealth of Junk
Sculptor Patrick Amiot and the flowing universe.
Producing Paradise
Artists remake nature at COPIA.
Ice Queen
Heiress and adventurer Louise Boyd's dual existence.
Frozen Energy
L.A. painter Ed Moses continues to make his mark.
Peanuts Paean
Tom Everhart treats some familiar characters in new ways.
Weaving Sustainability
Jeanne Sloan brings Mayan weavings to Petaluma.
For Better or Worse
Day of the Dead celebration reminds that life's better than the alternative.
Seed of the Mind
Chiyomi Longo's painting in full flower.
Humble Pie
William T. Wiley's long and tortured involvement in having fun.
Out of Their Gourds
From the garden springs art, in Food for Thought's third annual Calabash Festival.
Visual Poetry
Iranian artist Seyed Alavi illuminates language at SSU.
Midnight Rainbows
Sebastopol artist Jim Standard has transformed surplus military optics into indescribable, candle-powered pieces of prismatic art.
Dropping Anchor
Quicksilver Mine Co. makes the move to Forestville.
Strangers in a Strange Land
Monks from the Gyudmed Tantric Monastery take residence in Napa.
The Accidental Satirist
David Rees on clip art, catharsis, office monotony and land-mine relief efforts.
Divine Inspiration
Rhythm and prose in 'The Lives of the [local] Muses.'
Into the Light
James Turrell illuminates discourse at the Sonoma County Museum.
Trash Culture
Artists find rapture with scrapture at the dump.
Bottom Line
Why Karen d'Or may be the art council's good fortune.
Man and Machine
How Rauschenberg and architecture collaborate at Ken Berman's studio.
Paper Trails
SMOVA's traveling 'Under Pressure' exhibit makes its mark.
By the See
Headlands Center for the Arts rocks the eye.
Radio On
To a nation of rapt listeners, Ira Glass is a radio hero.
Trubee or Not Trubee
The myth, the man, the legend, the unknown twisted genius of John Trubee.
Good Enough to Eat
'Icing on the Cake' at COPIA demonstrates how modern cake decorating embraces tradition but continues to push the envelope.
Stamps of Approval
Philately by the people for the people.
Funk Daddy
Painter Wally Hedrick goes on strike.
Brave New Worlds
A show at Roshambo highlights a world in chaos.
Artist Randy Hussong is inspired by the good things in life.
Live and on the Air
Partnership blooms between Sonoma County Library and KRCB Radio.
Painter's Fiction
Sonoma painter Chester Arnold follows the metaphor.
Fifteen to One
SMOVA exhibit raises the stakes and the odds.
Horse Play
Giant Steps offers a specific yet effective type of therapy.
Heavy Metal
Nicolas van Krijdt's 'Inland Ocean' not for those afraid of the water.
Smith and Messin'
Two exhibits to thrill and delight.