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Music Features

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Music Fandom
Authors Pamela Des Barres and Karen Schoemer relate highly personal tales of obsession.

The 8-Track
In praise of the bastard stepchild of formats.

Music Video Women
All I really need to know I learned from watching 'BET Uncut.'

Goal Oriented
Music's love affair with soccer is well documented.

Now Hear This
Earphones hurt so bad but feel so good.

No Mas
Strike up a bolero for Channel 104.9, but what's up with the racial overtones?

What Is Hip?
Examining obsession as a New Year's music resolution.

Rip Tide
David Templeton looks back at the top 10 torn film, concert and theater tickets of 2005.

Haiku de Todd
The year in music, presented in haiku form.

Sad Songs Say So Much
In which we proudly announce the winner of the Sad 13 Challenge.

Southern Nights
Don't forget the Crescent City.

So Last Year
2005: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

The SCUM Also Rises
The WikiSCUM indexes the history of Santa Cruz Underground Music.

Lessons Heard
What music taught me this year.

A Bum in Santa Cruz
Ukulele Dick presents the Santa Cruz Music Archives.

Medicine Man
Sideshow soundtrack harks back to the early days of the carny.

Poised for Pleasure
Holiday arts: Our guide to the season's upcoming movies, arts, music and stage events.

Filmed Notes
Prepare for the cinema Cash with an armload of music biopics.

Lime Time
How does one write about Limewire without attracting the feds? Very carefully.

Pod Caste
The video iPod kills the radio star.

Signing Off
Commercial radio, make way for the revolutionary new KBIR!

Sorrow Floats
If there's any city that can bounce back from disaster, it's New Orleans.

Push It
Don't put off making a birthing soundtrack to the last minute.

Get Up, Stand Up
Music activism doesn't stop with Nov. 2.

Singled Out
MP3 blogs and iTunes boosted the singles market. Here's an impartial list of the best from 2004.

Carol Curmudgeons
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Impeach the President
It's been a historic political year for the hip-hop generation, but will they rock the vote on Nov. 2?

Blinded by Download
The future of music distribution gets pondered in Palo Alto.

Who Are You?
Photographers, poster artists and a collector clash over copyright law.

Vinyl World
Writer Brett Milano delves into the troubled minds of obsessive record album hoarders.

More Than a Feeling
What does William Hung's loss and subsequent rise say about pop iconography and ourselves?

Get Low
Shake it like a Polaroid picture! A musical snapshot of 2003.

Hello Kitty
As the music-downloading market opens up, how does the future shake out for the medium's original outlaw, Napster?

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The Rock Show
Concert notes and news.