The F word
National Society of Black Engineers
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Internet gambling
High-tech medical marijuana
Behind the nickname of a Martian rock
Online porn in the county library
Timothy Leary CD-ROM
Juneteenth and the info. superhighway
Virtual proletariat unites
Cell phones as camping gear
Santa Cruz web sites, more SC sites and more SC sites
Allen Ginsberg tribute, past articles and appreciations by the Metro's editor, a writer and the publisher, plus web links
The end of the world
Online music rags
Excerpt from The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest by Po Bronson, plus web links
Sound/Image/Object art exhibit
Online gambling
Books from the makers of Wired magazine
Science-fiction author David Brin
Sex online
Traffic cameras
Livestock and genetics
H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard
Cyber libertarians
TV fans online
Deep Space Nine writer Robert Wolfe
1996 pop culture review
ID implants
The scoop on online porn
High-tech toys
Resumix scanners
Star Trek First Contact, plus Borg jewelry and a Trek therapist
Art museums online
Mr. Fixit
Pat Dillon's Silicon Valley novel
re>Wired parody
William Gibson's Idoru
Where Wizards Stay Up Late Silicon Valley history
Electronic art exhibit
Novelist Mark Dery
Computer-assisted typography
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Recipes online
UFOs, a leading UFO researcher and debunking the moon landing
X-File meanings, Orson Welles on Independence Day and Jay McInerney on The Arrival
Marilyn vos Savant
Weird web site reviews
Internet World Convention
Travel web pages
Web surfer Nielsens
Jerry Yang and David Filo of Yahoo!
Nigel Who?'s cyberfashions
Video artist Nam June Paik and her Couch Potato Contest
Ezine review
Deregulating the Net
Beat Generation CD-ROM
PC users frustrated by Windows 95
Celebrity death pools online
Human genome project
Culture Jammers and Negativland
America Online and child porn
Urban jungle
Performance art of SEEMEN
The dark side of camp, plus pop irony
Web versus paper
America Online and hackers
Unabomber archive
Burning Man archive