The X-Phile Facts
![]() UFO-ric Stupor: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully often get close to ferreting out those elusive aliens, but sinister forces always work against them. Thirteen things everyone should know about television's eeriest show By Rachel Leibrock Davis THERE'S SOMETHING spooky going on here. Not since David Lynch had us searching for Laura Palmer's killer in the surreal Twin Peaks (19891992) has a television show moved so many people into a hallucinogenic state of mania. Not since Watergate have so many people found themselves seeking the ever-elusive "truth." Welcome to The X-Files, a shadow-filled hit that is moving from its Friday-night slot on the Fox network to Sunday nights come fall. The creepy little show always finds FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) battling monsters, mutants, aliens--and their own government. The popularity of The X-Files has grown steadily since its September 1993 debut. The first season ended with the program swimming in the dredges of ratings hell--finishing 102 out of 118 shows. By the end of the second season, though, both critical acclaim and fans' word of mouth had jump-started The X-Files from cult status into Nielsen nirvana, finishing 64th out 141 shows. Wrapping up its third season in May, it was Fox's No. 1 show and a consistent winner in its time slot. The hype surrounding this hypnotic brew of sci-fi-meetsI Spy has grown proportionally with its ratings. Duchovny and Anderson have graced numerous magazine covers and made the late-night talk show rounds. The two appeared in character on an episode of Muppets Tonight, and both will be animated--and spoofed--in an episode of The Simpsons in September. Add to all that two books for devoted X-Philes (as fans prefer to be known)--The Truth Is Out There: The Official Guide to The X-Files and The Unofficial X-Files Companion--three X-Files videotapes each containing two uncut episodes, X-Files conventions where devoted fans nitpick the show with the avidity of Trekkies, an X-Files movie and syndication of the show, both planned for 1997, a soundtrack (Songs in the Key of X) featuring music inspired by the series from the likes of Nick Cave and Frank Black, and even an X-Files comic book, and you've got major showbiz mojo. But the biggest--and best--marketing device the show has going for it doesn't have anything to do with merchandising, but rather the vast community of online X-Philes who spend hours discussing the show with the investigative zeal of the special agents themselves. With no less than 100 Web sites, along with countless commercial service forums devoted to the subject, fans have assembled a huge well of X-Files trivia. Every aspect of the show, from dialogue and clothing to set locale and props, is dissected in a relentless search for clues to the show's many mysteries. It's a gripping otherworld fit for Scully and Mulder. Simmering Sexual Tension X-PHILES AREN'T immune to their show's faults. They know the plots don't always make total sense and they complain when plot devices don't work. Nevertheless, fans tune in religiously--not only to be scared silly by an odd assortment of featured creatures, but also to solve the ongoing puzzle of Mulder's early UFO experiences and the government's attempt to stop him from learning more, and to revel in the simmering sexual tension between the two protagonists. (There are entire forums online devoted to the "M/S" relationship.) Networking through the Internet, devotees ponder each character's role and search for clues written between the script's lines. They tape every episode, then watch and rewatch, finger steadily poised above the VCR remote's rewind button. One fan got so into her hobby she felt compelled to post this observation: "Anyone ever notice that when Gillian blinks, her left eye (screen right) closes before her other eye?" (We've confirmed this as being true, and just in case you were wondering, Duchovny blinks in sync.) Sound crazy? Maybe, but such attention to detail is necessary--very little that occurs on each weekly episode appears by accident. Chris Carter, the creator/ writer/producer of The X-Files, has said in interviews that he maps out each segment with feverish detail, leaving scarce room for improvisation or random doings. Every action, word and prop does mean something and has been put there to lead you toward answers. (Such obsessive attention to detail on the part of online fans sometimes pays off: In "Little Green Men," the names of three members of the David Duchovny Estrogen Brigade, as his Internet fan club is known, are shown onscreen in an airline flight roster.) Will Mulder ever untangle the web of lies surrounding his family's involvement with aliens and the government? Will Scully ever determine her own family's history or find out the truth about her own alien abduction? Will the two ever acknowledge their tacit attraction for one another, or will they continue to avoid it? The List of 13 IT'S A SCI-FI SOAP OPERA, a supernatural whodunit, so with a little help from the X-Philes, we've compiled an X-File on The X-Files: 13 clues and observations we think are integral to the bigger picture. Just remember, the truth is out there.
1) The Devil Inside
2) Seedy Behavior
3) Skin on Skin
4) Dog Days
5) Numbers Game
6) Numbers Game II
7) Single Gun Theory
8) True Believers
9) Paranoia Will Destroy Ya
10) A Room of Her Own
11) It's a Drag
12) Conspiring Minds Think Alike
13) Knicks Tricks But the truth is out there. Really. [ Metro | Metroactive Central | Archives ]
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