MetroActive CyberScape

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Despite a million-dollar bounty, more publicity than Richard Ramirez ever got, and an internationally recognized mug shot, the Unabomber remains at large

Please don't send us any snail mail. We no longer open packages (unless there is the possibility that they might contain cash). We blame this postal timidity on that damn Unabomber, who, of course, has killed three people and injured nearly a dozen others with his incendiary care packages over the course of more than a decade. Not that there hasn't been any good to come from his reign of postal terror. Pending the Unabomber's capture, all packages that arrive on our premises are immediately donated to charitable organizations. We're proud of our selflessness in that respect.

But we'd like to help catch that Unabastard. Not that we don't in some ways concur with his philosophy that technology has screwed up the planet. But we're also not exactly keen on the idea of returning to the good old pre-industrial days of bubonic plague, polio and drilling holes in the head to let the demons out. The fact is, there's no stopping technology. That genie--as the cliche goes--is already out of the bottle (which blowed up real good a long time ago). We can, however, do a better job of thinking about the dark side of technology, and that's where the Unabomber's much-publicized manifesto might actually do some public good. And if it offers some clues that might lead to his capture, even better.

So read the screed, and then check out the other Web links we've compiled. Sacramento-based writer A. Lin Neumann has contributed his own take on the Unabomber's uncomfortably familiar anarchist philosophy: To wit, Yikes--he could be me! And just to show Mr. Bomber--who looks like a major Fashion Don't in his scowling police sketch--that we aren't asking for any trouble, we offer him some friendly advice about getting himself a makeover. As the sartorially elegant terrorists of James Bond movies have shown us, the dyspeptic anarchist need not be a frumpy anarchist. Oh, and we also offer the FBI's press release on the Unabomber.

"I Am Not the Unabomber," by A. Lin Neumann

The Unabomber Manifesto

The Unabomber Makeover

FBI Press Release

FBI's Appeal to Netters

Unabomb Suspect Ted Kaczynski:

From USA Today -- Lawyers eager to defend Kaczynski (11/13/96)

From the Chicago Tribune -- Kaczynski didn't fit FBI age profile (April 7, 1996)

From the Truth is Redacted Website -- Kaczynski's October 1, 1974 letter to a tire store that employed him, demanding a paycheck and threatening to report the owner for failing to have a "proper cage for putting air in split-rim tires."

From the Truth is Redacted Website -- Kaczynski's lawyer's motion to have his property returned and to prevent the government from proceeding to a grand jury.

More Links:

50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time Unabomber Index

The Yahoo Index of Unabomber Sites

Chicago Tribune's Unabomber Articles

Chicago Tribune's Unabomber Links

HotWired's Unasurf

Unabomber News from Time Magazine

Links to Photos of Ted Kaczynski

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