May 4-17, 1998
Features: Club Mix Pier 45, Shed B: Fisherman's Wharf--where the ocean ends and civilization begins. Real Art: For cutting-edge art, just head to the nearest telephone pole. Millie's Map: Millie stares at the massive cranes and realizes that life is just as uncertain, risky and beautiful. Job Interview: The man who started MTV now heads up the largest online service in the world. Read2Win: A contest of reading comprehension.
Bag Lady: Designer Sharon Dunham rides a wave of innovative signature handbags. What's Your Bag?: Your bag is not an extension of your wardrobe--it is your wardrobe. Germ Warfare: Do you know where your hands have been? Miss Pinkie Shears: The debonair miss gives her fashion advice. Concrete Runway: Cara Cordoni and Vrañas at La Bodega.
Faux Feminist: Bad Girls go to MadCat festival. All Snap, No Plot : The Spanish Prisoner lies flat on David Mamet's pages.
Good Vibrations: Why new pop bands can't top the Beatles and the Beach Boys. Club Guide: A week's worth of hot night-clubbing.
Book Picks: Brief reviews of The Antelope Wife, Remote Feed, Hail Babylon and Blue Bossa.
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