For the Week of
December 26, 1996 to January 1, 1997
Cover: Mark of the Beasts
Microchip ID tags embedded in pets is just the beginning. The next step is chip implants and a homing device for humans.
News: Site Lines
Planners grapple with communications antennas.
The Scoop on Online Porn: Webcrawling toward ecstasy.
Peck of Peppers: Loaded with vitamins A and C, addictive, curative, and healing--chili peppers make you hurt so good.
Closing Acts: The year in theater sat well.
Talking Pictures: Larry King didn't do it, even though he said he would. And Joan Baez is mum on the topic. David Templeton muses on the ones that got away from this year's Talking Pictures column.
Feathered Fooling: Nora Ephron ladles the syrup on 'Michael.'