For the Week of
Oct. 2-8
Cover: Liquid Crack
Latinos are the newest targets for an all-out malt liquor marketing blitz.
News: Cotati May Get Lucky
Measure F divides Sonoma County's smallest town.
Blowin' It: Loopholes strangle Washington whistle blowers.
The Scoop: The dead and dangerous John Lennon, and good news if you drink green tea... maybe.
Setting the World to Music: The Santa Rosa Symphony gains composer Kenneth Frazelle.
Beasts of Burden: Bridges to Babylonshows signs of decay, while All for Nothing/Nothing for All shines from light years away.
Spins: The Boss, a sainted virgin and something in the shade of blue.
Talking Pictures: Acclaimed novelist Joyce Maynard checks out the hotly-debated "chick flick" A Thousand Acres.
Stage Fright: Lips Together has a howl locked inside.
Razor on the Mirror: The '70s live on in all their sordid glory in the autobiographical stories of Mary Fleener.
Have Whisk, Will Travel: Showcase Chef Donna Wegener dishes it up for this weekend's Harvest Fair.
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