For the Week of
October 1-7, 1998
Cover: On a Role
Slaying dragons, casting spells, thwarting thieves--it's all fair game on the Internet pastime Ultima Online.
News: Healing Waters
Troubled teens find salvation at local esteros.
The Dog Pound: Federal officials--let them eat salsa.
Up to the Task?: See how your kids' school did in the state Standardized Testing and Reporting program.
Climbing Up on Capitol Hill: Check up on the your Congressional Representatives and U.S. Senators--where they stand, how they voted.
Twisted Troubadour: Louden Wainwright III can still spin a yarn.
Queen of the Hill: Lauryn Hill educates the mainstream about hip-hop and rap.
Grownup Teenager: Frank Black retreats from weirdness on his new album.
Talking Pictures: Author Gus Lee sounds off about A Soldier's Daughter.
A Life in Film: Petaluman Mark Fishkin ushers in Mill Valley Film Fest.
Best of the Fest: Highlights from the Mill Valley Film Festival.
The End of Irony: John Waters' newest film, Pecker, is an affectionate summing up of the director's lifetime fascination with life on the margins.
Stalking the Wild Mushroom: Foraging for fungi for fun.
Heard It Through the Grapevine: Get to the root of all things wine.
Hot Date: Cinnabar Theater fires up the stage with The Lady's Not for Burning.
Video Fiction?: Floating serves up cold cowboy clichés.
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