For the Week of
July 22-28, 1999
Cover: Hot Docs
To those in the rowdy trenches of true-life filmmaking, documentaries are a Holy Grail-like quest for cinematic purity.
News: Power to the People
The fight for control of KPFA's airwaves gains local support.
Understanding Gun Violence: Join Together Online, a project of the Boston University of Public Health, provides community resources for those trying to make sense out school shootings.
Up to the Task?: See how your kids' school did in the state Standardized Testing and Reporting program.
Kill the Ump: A major league strike fans will embrace.
Kitchen Talk: Pots and Pans creates a cook's heaven.
Heard It Through the Grapevine: Get to the root of all things wine.
Cinema Interruptus: Critic David Thomson is kept waiting for 'Eyes Wide Shut.'
Scary Story: 'The Blair Witch Project' is a chilling cinematic spectacle.
Kids' Stuff: 'Muppets from Space' soars; 'Inspector Gadget' fizzles.
Meter Men: Fabled New Orleans rhythm section reunites for rare concert.
The Bee's Knees: Junglist Mikebee on remaining true to his skools.
SF Club Guide: Disco divas, hip-hop connoisseurs and salsa suaves to flannel-clad pinball players, jazz luminaries and more from the City by the Bay.
Artful Critique : SMOVA Salon hosts a new arts lecture series.
Bar None: Native American leader Leonard Peltier soars in prison memoirs.
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