For the Week of
June 26-July 2
Cover: You've Got a Friend
When you're down and lonely and you need a helping hand... look on Aisle B at the local Safeway.
News: Windsor Knot
New town tied up over future growth.
Ticking Timebombs: Guinea pigs of the world unite!.
The Scoop: Someone's getting burned.
Talking Pictures: Award-winning author Caryl Phillips ruminates on the pessimistic art film The Designated Mourner.
Soul Obsession: Local filmmaker Andrew Golland has a Bird's eye view.
Losin' My Religion: Sex, lies, and Schizopolis.
Videophile: Capsule reviews of H2O TV,Small Faces, Manny and Lo and Dallas Dolls on video.
One Bad Apple: Pop star Fiona Apple's existential existence.
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