For the Week of
May 7-13, 1998
Cover: Soul Man
Ex-Harvard LSD guru Ralph Metzner cultivates The Unfolding Self.
In the Master's Footsteps: Jesus Seminar scholar Robert Funk on the man from Galilee.
Night Moves: On the road with open-mike poetry nights.
A Dog's Life: Director Kevin Smith (Clerks) turns canines into comic-book heroes with a strong sexual subtext.
Spring Gleaning : A potpourri of reads by local authors.
News: Faculty Fracas
SRJC faculty call for more full-time teaching positions.
The Scoop: Cow-ardly acts of TV news bosses.
Climbing Up on Capitol Hill: Check up on the your Congressional Representatives and U.S. Senators--where they stand, how they voted.
Emperor's New Clothes: Sonic Youth's new CD reveals nothing.
Spins: The majesty of John Fahey's America; Fireball and Taj Mahal.
Grape Expectations: Walter Schug has a pinot noir passion.
Heard It Through the Grapevine: Get to the root of all things wine.
Moby Deal: In this week's Talking Pictures, corporate insider and author Stanley Bing takes on filmmaker and rabble-rouser Michael Moore.
Pig Boy: Neil Jordan's The Butcher Boy loves the world it burns.
Georgie Girl: Swinging London gets a dose of sugar in Shooting Fish.
Blanket Ennui: Pacific Alliance's Quilters is a real sleeper.
Viva Viva!: Viva Variety is Comedy Central's other irreverent hit.
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