For the Week of
April 30-May 6, 1998
Cover: Wing and a Prayer
The night The Birds met their match in Petaluma.
News: Danger Zone
The call for a renewed look at hate crimes in Sonoma County draws mixed review.
Mean to an Unz: Fernando Vega, the 73-year-old honorary chairman of the campaign to end bilingual education, has his own version of history.
The Scoop: The CIA gets 'em while they're young and Americans have something to be proud about once again.
Climbing Up on Capitol Hill: Check up on the your Congressional Representatives and U.S. Senators--where they stand, how they voted.
Vulcan Love Slaves: Buffy meets Mulder at ER--fan fiction lights up the Net.
Chart Action: Rare map exhibit charts the history of the Middle East.
Cow Punkers: Cropdusters--a little bit country.
Mix Masters: DJs blend samples for futuristic sound.
Audiofile: Reviews of the latest CDs by the Project, Warner Brothers and more.
The Dough Boy Speaks: Pillsbury study asks, Where's the beef?
Heard It Through the Grapevine: Get to the root of all things wine.
Solar Souls: Cinnabar puts Lonely Planet in orbit.
Mean Scenes and GoodFolks: Martin Scorsese takes viewers on A Personal Journey through film history.
Dragon Revisited: Bruce Lee's landmark Enter the Dragon celebrates its 25th anniversary.
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