For the Week of
March 19-25, 1998
Cover: Media Monkeys
What the mainstream media doesn't want you to see, hear, or tell.
News: SSU Goes to War
Sonoma State students up in arms over campus recruitment.
Grass Is Greener: Ireland proves a fertile recruiting ground for high-tech companies that crave the Cranberries generation for their edge.
Frankly Speaking: RiggsWatch keeps an eye on conservative Rep. Frank Riggs, R-Windsor, a controversial candidate for a U.S. Senate seat.
Climbing Up on Capitol Hill: Check up on the your Congressional Representatives and U.S. Senators--where they stand, how they voted.
The Scoop: Kenneth Starr and Martha Stewart.
Round 'Em Up: Riders in the Sky--more than funny hats and chaps.
Churchified Blues: Nicky Baxter reviews E.C. Scott's new album, Hard Act to Follow..
Talking Pictures: Woolf scholar J. J. Wilson takes Talking Pix to Mrs. Dalloway.
L. I. Lolita: An aging English author discovers Love and Death on Long Island.
Jungle Warfare: In Men With Guns deaths are painfully matter-of-fact. Plus, a look at director John Sayles.
Season Premiere: Sonoma County Rep's muscular That Championship Season.
Chowabunga!: River House crests a new wave of excellence.
Heard It Through the Grapevine: Get to the root of all things wine.
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