For the Week of
February 25-March 3, 1999
Cover: Immaculate Misconception
Sure, abortion is legal, but the increasing number of Catholic-owned hospitals is making it more and more difficult to get the procedure.
News: No Quarter
Proposed Santa Rosa law would get tough on panhandlers.
The Scoop: Viagra--performing on demand.
Up to the Task?: See how your kids' school did in the state Standardized Testing and Reporting program.
Climbing Up on Capitol Hill: Check up on the your Congressional Representatives and U.S. Senators--where they stand, how they voted.
In the Ghetto: Duo brings sounds of Jewish ghetto dwellers to the forefront.
Black and Blue: Nicky Baxter reviews Blue Collar, Black Future, the new album by New York hard-core band Dripping Goss.
Talking Pictures: A colorful conversation with psychologist Peter Kramer on the big-screen love story Message in a Bottle.
Angst for the Memories: Affliction writer/director Paul Schrader talks about life, love of cinema, and his latest film.
Cyber Cinema: Digital technology is changing the way filmmakers like San Jose's Pete Anderson turn their dreams into movies. Plus, a guide to this year's Cinequest film festival.
Zine Scene: Good news for grassroots gourmets.
Heard It Through the Grapevine: Get to the root of all things wine.
War and Peace: Palestinian playwright Emily Shihadeh on conflict and reconciliation.
Oral Sects: Spoken word artists march to a new Beat, reflecting what goes on in the Bay Area today--not what was happening 50 years ago to that other generation.
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