For the Week of
February 5-11, 1998
Cover: The Sex Issue
Birds do it, bees do it, even Bill Clinton does it. A few words on the absurdity of mating.
Lip Service: Oral sex ain't what it used to be.
The Ultimate Blind Date: Meeting--and doing it--in the dark.
Empress Strikes Back: So what's a guy with a Ph.D in history doing writing ad copy for a sexy dominatrix?
For the Love of Sex and Jesus: A from-the-cradle Christian fundamentalist wrestles with his strict religion, his family values and his from-the-cradle homosexuality.
Tune Me On: Choosing the right kind of sexy musical accompaniment to doing it is a matter of both style and substance.
Edible Complex: Treats to eat between the sheets.
The PC Kama Sutra: Make room on your bookshelves and in your bedrooms for a new, improved, politically correct Kama Sutra.
News: Short Fuse
Petaluma non-profits worry officials will rekindle ban on "safe and sane" fireworks.
The Scoop: The end of credibility ... but for whom?
Dirty Ink: Books we read so you don't have to.
Talking Pictures: Unpredictable cartoonist John Grimes looks at Woody Allen's little-seen masterpiece Deconstructing Harry.
Braving the Elements: Sundance was an endurance test--but worth it.
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