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Political Makeover #3

Race for Governor '98

Pretty soon, posters will be hung and flyers mailed. Their faces and messages (or lack thereof) will be unavoidable. In the interest of making this campaign more visually pleasing and bearable for the electorate, The Metropolitan asked four of the city's top graphic designers to offer their skills and advice to four might-be governors, before it's too late. Here's what they came up with (and what they were thinking).

Dennis Peron for Governor

Dennis Peron for Governor as designed by Jeff Bossardet of Cabra Diseño: "The intent was to clearly state one of Peron's main campaign platforms without conceding to the stereotypical baggage usually associated with this type of imagery."

Cabra Diseño's more voluntary clients include Autodesk, Jeff Covey Furniture and KQED, 415/626-6336.

Dan Lungren for Governor

Dan Lungren for Governor as designed by Seth McGinnis of Abraxis Design: "Instead of trying to hide Dan Lungren's commitment to society's growth behind conservatism or family values, I decided to address his nostalgia for a past golden era when pot smoking and illegal immigrants were not part of 'society's ills.' "

Abraxis Design has helped out Chronicle Books, Project Open Hand and Foote Cone & Belding, 415/986-4990.

Alfred Checchi for Governor

Alfred Checchi for Governor as designed by Jim Markee of Jim Markee & Partners: "Checchi has publicly declared he will be spending $30 million in television advertising. So we thought that discussing where those dollars come from would be imperative. To be honest, this political poster is a lot like its candidate--financially focused, simple and with good intentions."

Jim Markee & Partners has also worked with the SF Examiner, MTV and Advanced Software Products, 415/252-9748

Dianne Feinstein for Governor

Dianne Feinstein for Governor as envisioned by Jeffrey Whitten of LogoMan: "The two faces of DiFi. (She is a politician, after all). Favorite or Fighter; Friend or Foe? You'll decide in '98. And as California's first woman ruler (hopefully), it seemed only fitting to elevate the office to that of the state's mythical namesake, Queen Califia. (Research!)"

Among LogoMan's clients are Chevy's, the Bay Guardian and STOP AIDS Project, 415/552-7554.

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From the December 1997 issue of the Metropolitan.

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