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Sure, There's a There There
By Heidi Pollock
Located on a barren stretch of Mission Street, Virgin 69 is not a place one is likely to wander by. But once you arrive, there are few reasons to leave. The place could be somebody's living room. Well, somebody's very cool living room.
Byron Brown is the low-key owner and he's not out to push anything on you. So relax already. Take in the art, listen to the music, check out the clothes. He's as serious about the gallery component of the store as he is about the clothing, and he seems pleased just to have you hang out and enjoy the space.
Virgin 69 offers savvy, realistic gear by the likes of Penelope Starr, Revolution, Giant, Black Flys and NISA. Stock includesT-shirts, jackets, pants, skirts, knits, art, music and whatever other intriguing local products Brown feels compelled to present.
There's a Web site, natch', to keep devotees clued in to related good stuff.
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A store that feels like the foyer of tomorrow
Virgin 69, 1153 Mission St.
From the December 1997 issue of the Metropolitan.