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Holiday Grab Bag
Last-minute gifts under $40
Photographer Andrea Chu
Stylist Diana Rupp
The List:
1. Starlightz illuminated ornament with cord, $36
2. Rorshöck game with diagnosis booklet, $20
3. The Boot with two rhinestone barrettes, two scented nail polishes and emery board, $15
4. Hip Hop word magnets for the fridge, $11
5. Spinney, the mechanical wind-up creature, $10
6. Panda head wicker basket with beret top, $24
7. U.L.O. (Unidentified Lighted Object), $35
8. Digital TV clock, $30
9. Olivia bag by Paul Frank, $34
All items from Wishbone, 242 Gough St. 415/252-8511 and 601 Irving St. 415/242-5540.
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From the December 21, 1998 issue of the Metropolitan.
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