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Fancy Footwork

[whitespace] Pedicure Kit Tools of the Trade: If going to a salon is not an option, Tweezerman's Deluxe Pedicure Kit is a fabulous alternative for do-it-yourself pedicures.

Spa-quality items to treat your feet

By Diana Rupp

Pedicures, like most physical pleasures, feel best when done by someone else. But going to a salon is not always an option. An excellent alternative is indulging in a whole host of foot-pampering products chez vous. I tried a bunch and recommend these favorites:

Tweezerman's Deluxe Pedicure Kit contains all the tools of the trade, including double-action spring toenail scissors, heavy-duty toenail clippers, a callus rasp (removes and smoothes calluses), a corn callus shaver (with replacement blades), a nail file embedded with sapphire chips for professional results and a set of comfy toe separators. Implements come with free lifetime sharpening and a manufacturing defect warranty ($35).

Sweet-smelling plum and pumice or iced bayberry Bare Foot Scrubs by Freeman gently exfoliate rough patches on soles and heels ($3 each).

Soak away discomfort and fatigue with Batherapy, a calming blend of natural minerals similar to those found in hot springs ($3 for three treatments).

Borghese's Spa Socks look like regular sweat socks on the outside but inside are first-of-their-kind polymer liners that leave feet feeling baby soft ($39). The socks work even better when worn with the ultrarich Pedi Vitale therapeutic foot crème, also from the Borghese Teme de Montecatini spa line ($20).

How to Care for Your Hoofs

Five steps to a perfect pedicure:

  1. Soak feet in tub of warm, sudsy water to soften skin and cuticles.

  2. Use callus rasp to whisk away dead skin. Follow up with moisturizer, gently massaging the entire foot and lower leg.

  3. Disinfect the tip of the toenail scissors with alcohol, then carefully clip nails straight across. If nails are particularly thick, use clippers.

  4. File and shape the nails, working from one edge to the center and then from the other edge back to the center with even, long strokes. Never saw at the nail.

  5. If you're applying polish, use toe separators to keep wet color from smudging.

Call 800-645-3340 or visit www.tweezerman.com for more information on Tweezerman Beauty Tools. Freeman Barefoot Scrub and Batherapy available at drug stores. Borghese cosmetics available at major department stores.

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From the October 19-November 1, 1998 issue of the Metropolitan.

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