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Six Most Overrated San Francisco Dining Trends
1. Half-Assed Creperies
Someone has decided that if you make a thin Aunt Jemima pancake and put sausage and potatoes in it, you've got something French. More likely, you've got something that will sit in your stomach like a rock.
2. Undercooked Potatoes
I have long held that they are responsible for nightmares later. Not to mention that they taste like some nasty Hemp-Rella imitation cheese.
3. Chinese Food Without MSG
Believe it or not, it's the chemical version of an actual ingredient used in Chinese cooking. Also, it makes your food taste delicious while giving glorious amyl nitrate-esque hot flashes.
4. California Rolls With Mayonnaise
I maintain that the only official use for this condiment is on a Whopper.
5. Crème Brûlée
Sure, it's good. But it's a San Franciscan idée fixe that visitors may oooh and ahhh over and call fancy but is becoming just plain tired. I don't care if some put ginger in it and others put rose essence. It reminds me of my mother trying to disguise leftovers.
6. Making Savory Things Sweet
I hope never again to find another tomato-based product in my dessert. The same goes for opal basil ice cream (thanks but no thanks, Pastis) and sage-blueberry sorbet. "Creative" and "challenging" are often code words for gross. I won't even bring up the dessert they try to pass off as edible at The Stinking Rose.
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From the April 12, 1999 issue of the Metropolitan.
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