Cover Story: Son of Spam
Exclusive: Spam rager Charles Booher talks about why he threatened to kill the head of a squirrelly Canadian company that markets penis enlargement pills. Metro investigates and discovers who's really behind the marketing machine.
The Spam Wars: Legislation to curtail junk email is all the rage. But can anything wilt those unending Viagra ads?
Public Eye: Why did Sheriff's union leadership fight to keep an out-of-control police dog named Scooby on the streets?
You deserve a coffee break today: McDonald's launches one of its new 'McCafe' espresso bars in Mountain View.
Why do we need computerized brain-imaging machines to detect racism?
Objects on the Go: California artists redefine the still life in a bold new show at the San Jose Museum of Art.
Samurai Chipmunk: Tom Cruise learns to stop and smell the cherry blossoms in 'The Last Samurai.'
Shooting Party: 'Zero Day' wants to be a 'Blair Witch Project' for a school shooting incident.
Hello Kitty: As the music-downloading market opens up, how does the future shake out for the medium's original outlaw, Napster?
Aural Fixation: Korn's 'Take a Look in the Mirror' offers an assaulting view on users and takers.
Puttanesca in Its Place: Savoring the old country, Sicilian-style, is as easy as stepping into Palo Alto's mellowest Mediterranean dining room.
Cirque-ular Logic: 'Alegria' shows off Cirque du Soleil's skill at old-fashioned circus acts with a twist.
Allergist's Reaction: San Jose Stage mixes laughs and empathy in 'The Allergist's Wife.'
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