Cover: Teen Bashing
Despite some scattered efforts throughout the valley, local teens are still treated like public enemy number one.
News: Crash Course
A San Jose couple who became quadriplegic after a joyride in their new Miata have sued the city and county, and taxpayers will foot the $7 million bill.
Wild Horseplay: Pegasus High School masters the art of free rein.
Presents of Mind: Metroactive's annual holiday guide cuts to the heart of the season of giving. Plus, clutter-free gifts.
Back on Top: Nicky Baxter reviews the Four Tops' Keeper of the Castle retrospective album.
Jane Says (Again): Sarah Quelland covers the Jane's Addiction relapse at the ENIT Festival in San Francisco.
Musical Journey: A new series of Rhino CDs chronicles the heart of American folk music as recorded by Alan Lomax.
Beat Street: Indie rock's favorite kid sis, Juliana Hatfield, grows up on Please Do Not Disturb.
Fine China: Silver Wing takes off from the basic Chinese eatery and soars higher with good service, pleasant decor and a wide variety of Szechuan and Yangchow dishes.
Wising Up Early: Mystery writer Walter Mosely visits Eve's Bayou and examines childhood and forgiveness.
High-Wire Acts of Art: In his mobiles, Alexander Calder made engineering a playful pursuit.
Farewell to Saigon: San Jose's Larry Engelmann collects stories from all sides of the last days of the Vietnam War.
Books in Brief: Reviews of How to Survive Federal Prison Camp and Thrift Score: The Stuff, the Method, the Madness.
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