Cover: Y 2 Care?
Lots of reasons. First off, you can find yourself. What's your personality type for the new millennium?
The Deniers: Is Y2K the biggest nonevent you've never imagined?. The Moderates: Not afraid to fly on New Year's Day? Pretty certain the traffic lights in small towns and Third World countries will malfunction? You could be a member of the Y2KOKBYME club. The Utopians: To a happy breed of wide-eyed, hyper-idealistic utopians, Y2K will be the brave new world we've all been dreaming of. The Scorekeepers: To the media, Y2K is a piece of meat. The Profiteers: The Big Bang is worth big bucks. The Alarmists: If it all really does come crashing down, who ya' gonna call?
Y2K OK!: The merits of a mini-millennial meltdown.
Barbie Goes Ballistic: The new millennium calls for creative play. How about: 'Barbie Bags Her First Wildebeest'?
Party Like It's 1999: A pre-holiday listing of places to celebrate the big bang.
News: World Wide Y2K
While we can afford to be fairly sanguine about Y2K stability in the U.S., things appear less rosy at the international level.
Dark Dreams: Opera San José's 'Nutcracker' offers more than sugarplum visions.
Haute Crimes: Farewell to the tired tastes of the late 20th century, Christina Waters writes, a month too early and not a moment too soon.
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