Cover: Siliporn Valley
A giant porn-industrial complex is overtaking the military as the local high tech economy's 800-pound gorilla. Rrrrrr.
News: Cyberstalkers
Deirdre Des Jardins says she's been harassed in cyberspace by an ex-boyfriend for years, and a new spate of laws may not even help.
Sunnyvale: Local teachers win big for cool Internet ideas.
Reefer Modness: John Cassady will talk about his Beat dad at the Cannabis Cup, but that's it.
Public Eye: Cop watcher assumes lower profile. Labor endorses VC. Santa Clara City Council seeks first pay raise in 30 years.
Swing Has Swung: The swing scene has played itself out, but bands like Royal Crown Revue and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy keep up the beat.
Caddies Stretch: On new album, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs depart from ska punk to focus on tradition.
Aural Fixation: The Edge hosts high-energy True to Form.
Nothing Much at Stake: Milla Jovovich stars in 'The Messenger' as Joan of Arc, medieval riot grrrl.
New Jersey Devil: Kevin Smith's 'Dogma' is funny as hell and twice as sloppy.
Clown Guilt: Radu Mihaileanu's 'Train of Life' tries to laugh in the face of historical horror.
Ari Spotting: An angry gay Greek man wars with Australian society in 'Head On.'
Takeshi Time: Two of Beat Takeshi's films get revived.
Sili Screed: Ohio zine pokes Silicon Valley from the outside.
The Other Nutcracker: Craig Bohmler and Opera San Jose put a new spin on an old favorite.
Irish Rappers: 'Riverdance--The Show' combines Irish music and dance with high theatrics.
Millennial Snake Oil: A glance at the designer soda-pop market produces Y2K jitters.
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