Literary Quarterly Stiffed Upper Lip: Today's man is drifting and drifting, cut loose from the work that once defined him, according to author Susan Faludi and the creators of 'American Beauty' and 'Fight Club.'
A Beautiful Terror: Roddy Doyle's street-smart Irish killing machine doesn't give a 'shite'--but readers will.
Rush of Fortune: A young woman confronts cultural conflicts in Isabelle Allende's new novel.
Escaping From the Labyrinth: Robin Magowan recalls a life of leisure, verse and strife in 'Memoirs of a Minotaur.'
Emotional Baggage: Nick Bantock takes readers on a richly visual tour of 10 imaginary collections in 'The Museum at Purgatory.'
High Marx For Karl: Marshall Berman argues for a Marx better than the societies he begat.
A Human Hitler? In 'Hitler's Niece,' the terrible leader of the Third Reich is just a man--however dysfunctional.
Between the Lines: Iranian-Americans speak in verse and prose in new anthology.
News: Seeing the Light
Peninsula scientist Berhard Haisch and two associates think they have uncovered a sea of light in physics which turns Newton's law on its head and opens the door for science fiction-like science.
They Got Game: Saratoga's newly reopened Le Mouton Noir serves autumn harvest delights, like venison tenderloin and Maine lobster claw salad.
A La Carte: Out-of-the-way roadhouse serves up ribs well worth searching for.
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