Cover: The Last Train Out: Part II
Proponents argue that high-speed rail is the only way to save our state from death by sprawl. So what's the holdup?
News: Sticky Evictions
Tenants say they need a 'just cause' eviction law to protect them from landlords, but the powerful Tri-County Apartment Association says it's about property rights and control.
Public Eye: State politicos consider running for Rep. Gary Condit senate seat.
Give War a Chance: It's about time! Michael Moore was beginning to worry that George II didn't have it in him.
Aural Fixation: Moodfrye shakes it up with new disc, 'Bottle of Feelings.'
Due West: New bio highlights sex symbol's racial ambiguities
Piatti as a Picture: Gourmet Italian in one of the valley's favorite shopping centers--what more could a sybarite ask for?
Stage Values: SJ Stage Co.'s 'Anton in Show Business' goes behind the scenes.
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