Literary Quarterly: The Invisible Author Gravity's Rainbow novelist Thomas Pynchon is so intensely private that his very existence has been called into question. John Yewell has been on the case of the reclusive writer for 20 years.
Filth: The author of Trainspotting looks at Edinburgh's seamy side from the other side of the tracks.
News: Field of Dreams
The burgeoning city of Morgan Hill hopes to join the municipal big leagues by planting high tech in its open fields. But not everyone agrees.
Brags to Riches: Time won't wait for San Mateo rap artist Rasco.
Some Kind of a Movie: The re-edited Touch of Evil enhances Orson Welles' noir classic with new narrative unity.
Humbert Humbug: Lolita is a brave but glum take on Nabokov.
Wild Oafs: A huge cast sinks Stanley Tucci's Imposters.
Sizzle Shtick: At two new Mongolian BBQ pits, you pick the ingredients and then sit back and watch the show.
L.A. Story: The patois trumps the plot in Mizlansky/Zilinsky.
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