Cover: Toxic Avenger
Ted Smith's unpopular mission: to keep the high-tech industry from turning the valley into a chemical wasteland. A lot of folks wish he would just go away.
News: Band Shak on the Run
The Stanford marching band's legendary digs are going to bite the dust to make way for an alumni center--that is, if the band doesn't torch it first.
The End of Irony: John Waters' newest film, Pecker, is an affectionate summing up of the director's lifetime fascination with life on the margins.
Yearning Lips: The heat is off in English Firelight.
Father Dearest: A Soldier's Daughter walks thin red line in memoir about novelist James Jones.
Critic at Large: Food reviewer Christina Waters has had enough of the mania for oversized portions. She's here to say that bigger does not mean better--it means bigger.
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