Cover: What's in the Water?
Metro reporters dip into the waters of the bay, the underground aquifer and the tapwater of Silicon Valley to reveal what's real and what's imagined in the local H2O.
News: Fairchildhood's End
Fifteen years later, a group of families still carry the scars of Silicon Valley's "clean" industry.
Togetherness: Tom Peron and Bud Spangler keep time together even when they're in separate cities.
Pinchas Power: Celebrated violinist Pinchas Zukerman kick-starts the San Jose Symphony season.
Beat Street: Crashers and Harper sign up for Kamp.
Topping the Taquerias: Mexican dining takes on a '90s flair at Chacho's and Emma's, two downtown eateries that capture the authentic flavors of Mexico, in a setting a cut above the traditional taqueria.
The Realm of Memory: Lisa Ramirez and Beverly Rayner explore intimate worlds at the Institute of Contemporary Art.
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