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newspaper cover For the Week of
July 12-18, 2001

Cover Story: Spore Parts
It's dusty and black and grows in the cracks of cheaply built and poorly ventilated buildings. It ultimately crawls into human lungs. It's the attack of the black mold.

News: Guerrillas in Pink Slips
Hustling that next gig takes chutzpah and a little know-how.

Metropolis News Extras

  • Willow Glen: Neighbors resolve conflict with Maynard Mansion.
  • Cupertino: Human jawbone discovered in Cupertino yard.

Public Eye: Zoe throws a bash for Honda. Who is Tom McEnery? The Merc resurrects political column.

A So-Called Wife: In this season of blossomy nuptials, writer Tai Moses looks back on her former incarnation with wonder.

Notes From the Underbelly: Beef Timeless Fun.

Work: Sharing the Data.

Bach and Buds: Carmel's annual festival salutes 'St. Matthew Passion' this year.

All Shook Down: Gina Arnold on the mainstreaming of hip-hop.

Aural Fixation: South Bay band poised to jump to big time.

Teen Terrors: Director Larry Clark's 'Kids' have grown up to be really troubled teenagers in 'Bully.'

Gay Ride: 'The Closet' is a French sex comedy that's actually funny.

That's Life: Tranh Anh Hung's 'Vertical Ray of the Sun' offers a memorable slice-of-life.

Burned at the Steak: All right, tofufighters, settle down. Christina Waters admits that defending beef can be one tough job.

[Staff Box]
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