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New in Town
BYOB Reviewed by Nicole Pizzurro At this superclean do-it-yourself microbrewery, you can take part in the microbrew revolution that is sweeping the land without messing up your kitchen in the process. In two short sessions, you will walk away with six cases of your very own beer--bottled, capped and personally labeled--to show off to all your impressed friends. Be Your Own Brewmaster has such a friendly atmosphere, the owner brags, that even perfect strangers often order pizza over from across the street and sample each other's creations in a great fest of brew bonding. Though males in their 30s and 40s are still the primary customers, the establishment is noticing an increase in the number of women seeking suds. In fact, many couples are making their own brew, scanning a picture of themselves onto the label and distributing bottles at their wedding as favors. A gift certificate to BYOB makes a great present. For just $115 per batch (plus $30 for the bottles, which are completely reusable), the beer is certainly a much better deal than anything you can purchase in the store or at the local microbrewery. 19990 Homestead Road, Cupertino (408/996-1300). [ Bars & Clubs | Metro | Metroactive | Archives ] |
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