The Debugger: An excerpt from Ellen Ullman's novel 'The Bug.'
News: Is It Safe Yet?
In November voters cast their ballot in the county's first electronic election that won't be eligible for a true recount, despite dire warnings from local technology experts. Welcome to the machine.
Zibibbo Doo Dah: Three cheers for great Mediterranean food that doesn't lose its cool at dessert.
Dane of His Existence: A reluctant actor tackles the Bard's greatest role in 'I Hate Hamlet' at San Jose Stage Company.
Oscar Worthy: SJ Rep revives the perfectly mismatched roommates Felix and Oscar in 'The Odd Couple.'
Frank Talk: 'The Vagina Monologues' addresses taboo topic with mixed results.
Naked Ambition: Ralph Peduto reveals some hard but funny truths about acting in his one-man show at City Lights.
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