Cover Story: Made in the Shade
The shy DJ who, six years ago, swore off the jiggyness of commercial hip-hop on his debut album now says, 'It's all good.' DJ Shadow comes out of the darkness and back into the spotlight.
News: Lone Rider
Eugene Bradley takes on the Valley Transit Authority to say they're expensive, late and lousy.
The Disorient Express: Caltrain passengers get railroaded into backup cars from the Midwest. It's a big problem, yah.
Public Eye: Sheriff Laurie Smith slams 200-page Department of Corrections management audit.
Aural Fixation: Insolence hits its home turf with new drummer in tow.
All Shook Down: Is it the music or the manner that really counts on Tom Waits' new releases?
Man and Manatee: Julia Whitty's stories bring the natural world to conscious life.
Zen What?: Le Poisson Japonais combines sushi with French saucing for an enlightening dining experience.
Cheap Eats: Shalimar Indian Cuisine's $8.95 buffet invites gluttony.
'Art' and 'America': Season-closers offer fresh perspectives on politics and culture.
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