Cover: High Lonesome
From show-biz hillbillies to singing cowboys... the secret history of country music in California.
Literary Quarterly The Gay Golem: Gary Indiana delves into Andrew Cunanan's psyche; Maureen Orth reviles the homicidal homosexual. Valley Visions: When the going gets wierd, the wierd end up in Colorado's San Luis Valley. Into the Badlands: 'The Road to Kosovo' takes a horrific road trip.
News: Fire Alarm
As the Army burns Fort Ord, Monterey County residents watch their clear skies go up in smoke.
Uranium Cranium: Military deploys radioactive bullets in Balkans despite possible health risks.
Metropolis News Extras
Los Gatos: Caltrans plans lane closures on southbound Highway 17.
Saratoga: Council deadlocks on vote to eliminate two playfields.
Campbell: Some shopkeepers say the Prunefest is the pits.
Public Eye: Pat Dando looks to succeed Assemblyman Jim Cunneen.
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