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newspaper cover For the Week of
May 3-9, 2001

Cover Story: Fertile Fire
Leftover embryos at fertility clinics have become a hot commodity in a struggle between the medical establishment, the government and the agencies that would adopt them out.

News: Orchard Plots
A high-rolling superintendent at San Jose's smallest school district ignites controversy.

Metropolis News Extras

  • Saratoga: Problems caused by a buckled sidewalk finally smoothed out.
  • Los Gatos: Sting nets man who allegedly tried to lure boy for sex act.
  • Willow Glen: Project gives youthful lawbreakers a break of their own.

Tastes Like Teen Spirit: New Planned Parenthood condoms get a licking.

Public Eye: Supe lets puppy poop in office. Gage to go up against a Kennedy. Ridder trashes Harris.

Notes From the Underbelly: True colors at Triton.

Work: Yahoo!'s secret war on porn shreds online communities.

Fishbowl Story: How a teen-only music venue became a casualty of its own success.

On the Success Track: Who says rockers are hedonists? San Francisco's workaholic Train has become a bestselling band with relentless touring.

All Shook Down: Britney and Lynne Spears' novel, 'A Mother's Gift,' is a pop-culture family crime.

Govinda the Light: Musician Shane O'Madden draws on both earthy and spiritual inspirations.

Aural Fixation: Insolence prepares for its major-label debut.

Audiofile: Reviews of new CDs by the Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash and Comes With the Fall.

Tightening 'Circle': Life is a constricting noose for the Iranian women in 'The Circle.'

Erotic Stalemate: Dotcommer and lap dancer escape to Vegas in 'The Center of the World.'

No Dozer: Tormented by insomnia, author Bill Hayes turned his problem into prose in his new book 'Sleep Demons.'

Joyful Ode: Beethoven got his due at Ballet San Jose Silicon Valley's 'Celebrations and Ode.'

The High Seas: Scott's, a downtown favorite, rises again with an updated menu, warm décor and that ever-fabulous view.

[Staff Box]
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