Cover: Patients' Virtues
Lost in the discussions of a higher and better use for the land that Agnews Developmental Center sits on is the fate of the people who depend on it for survival.
News: Institutional Letting
When Sun Microsystems talks, people in power listen. How the road to innovation gets paved with crumbled pieces of the past.
Polis Report: At the head of the class and clueless.
Gross Receipts: Pink Flamingos director John Waters elevates bad taste to high subversion.
All Around the Rim: Documentaries and features from China, Mongolia, Hawaii and Japan are slated for the Pacific Rim Film Festival in Santa Cruz.
The Artist Is In: Todd Inoue courts the Purple One, who arrived in San Jose a week late, but bestowed a convoluted ticketing scheme and two awesome concerts upon his loyal subjects.
And a Grand Piano Shall Lead Them: Ben Folds Five doesn't need guitars to plunk out a fresh new rock sound on Whatever and Ever Amen.
A Royal Return: King Ernest reclaims his blues crown 30 years later.
Beat Street: The Artist's jam of the year and SoFa's fund-raiser of the year.
Coffee Clash: Caffeine addicts can choose not 'just a cup of coffee, but a just cup,' say environmentally conscious bean vendors.
Investing in Elvis Inc.: Can the King's Blue Suede Shoes save the performing arts as we know them?
Enticing Tragedy: Opera San José Production renews our appreciation of Puccini's emotional gift.
Back to WORKS: San Jose fixture reopens with member show.
A Few More Howls: Eric Johnson writes about what Allen Ginsberg meant to the nation over the past five decades. Also reprint of past articles and current appreciations by the Metro's editor, a writer and the publisher, plus web links from Metro and others on Ginsberg and the Beats.
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