Cover Story: Digging It
Gardening is America's No. 1 leisure activity, as judged by the Gardening Institute of American Gardeners, or some other flack cluster. What's behind this ancient urge to till the soil, to get the earth under your fingers, to slowly murder a six-pack of marigolds?
The Real Dirt: More tips from the lips of Master Gardener Tom Liggett.
Springing Up: A guide of green-thumb websites, shows, plant sales, classes and nurseries.
News:To the Wolves?
Iranian immigrants being detained in prisons post-9/11 say the U.S. government is conducting a secretive and unorthodox program of letting Iranian officials interview them--with the hope of sending them back to Iran, where many fear they will be harmed.
Aural Fixation: Bon Jovi's 'Bounce' tour packed the Pavilion; San Jose Jazz Society announces Jazz Festival Lineup.
Networking: Email theorist Geert Lovink explores the future of online dialogue.
Caffeine Cuisine: On the wings of great espresso, comfort Mediterranean food at Caffé Verona makes for a friendly bohemian evening.
Golden State Warriors: Comedy is a double-edged sword to the 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors.
One Flute Over the Cuckoo's Nest: Despite a tangled nest of plot, Opera San José's 'Magic Flute' captures the high spirits of Mozart.
To Eyre Is Human: TheatreWorks scores English lit classic 'Jane Eyre' to ballad-pop music.
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