Cover: Windows of Opportunity
Metro's exclusive story of Microsoft and an incredible plan to turn a wildly expanded Stones make-up concert into a five-day kiss and make up session with Silicon Valley.
News: McSurgery to Go
For today's busy professional, the purveyors of cosmetic laser procedures have it down to a quick and tidy science. They'll even do the makeup afterward.
Climate Control: Stanford students criticize university's endowments because they don't take global warming into account.
Dominating Dominique: Isabelle Huppert brings depth to a Pygmalion-like story of young hustler and older woman in The School of Flesh.
Playing With Food: For those delicious situations in which only our hands and fingers will do, food play is built into the collective appetite.
Little Man, Big Novel: Thomas Berger follows up Little Big Man with a worthy Return.
Free at Last: Katherine Arnoldi's comic The Amazing True Story of a Teenage Single Mom is stunning work.
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