Cover Story: Whatever Happened to Jeanine Harms?
Missing for 18 months amid signs of foul play, Los Gatos resident Jeanine Harms is almost certainly dead. How small-town police work and scant evidence have stalled a high-profile investigation--and possibly let her killer walk free.
News:Green Milestones
Six months after the DEA raided their land and left the threat of incarceration and forfeiture hanging over their heads, medical marijuana activists Valerie and Michael Corral are making plans for the future.
Public Eye: The Housing Authority of Santa Clara County lays off about 20 employees without giving notice.
Court and Spark: In 'Laurel Canyon,' Frances McDormand plays an unrepentant 1970s-ite living in the present.
Austin-tatious: If the music industry can survive recession, digital downloading, war and club tragedies, it will roar back with a vengeance--a special SXSW report.
Robot Power: DJ Kid Koala adds 'published author' to his list of accomplishments.
Aural Fixation: The Epoxies brought their New Wave droid-pop to the bold new Blank Club last Thursday.
Pier Won: Santana Row's Yankee Pier restaurant rides the tides of Bradley Ogden's conceptual talent and some very fresh fish.
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