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newspaper cover For the Week of
March 8-14, 2001

Cover Story: Vacation Nation
Why are so many people trying to get away from it all? Because they can.

New Economy Nomads: Travel to bohemian lands is affordable.

Call of the Wild: Never mind the rain--sunshine and wildflowers are ahead. Now's the time to plan great escapes.

Close-by Campouts: Getting-away-from-it-all on less than a tank of gas.

Be Reserved: Popular Parks Can Be Booked Online.

Exterior Decorating: Gadgets for the quintessential car camper abound and some are worth the price.

Mission Accomplished: Three missions, one afternoon, a heavenly feeling.

Ready to Run: Training for a marathon is 90% perspiration, 10% lunacy.

News: Silipawn Valley
How does one know dotcom death is imminent? When they take the couches and computers, usually while employees are still working.

Metropolis News Extras

  • Campbell: Child Citizenship Act lets thousands of adopted children become U.S. citizens overnight.
  • Los Gatos: With shrinking numbers of women joining their order, Sisters of the Holy Names are looking for ways to keep up the good work.
  • Saratoga: Railroad against plan to create trail along tracks.

Highway-Free Heaven: Local lecturer finds a saner alternative to Highway 17.

Public Eye: Ronzo vs. Zoegun: test balloon or new tune? Merc warns reporters of layoffs. Joe jolting at City Hall.

Notes From the Underbelly: Salamanca Soiree A la Scotch.

Work: Seven ways of looking at Doctor Who.

'Hope' Diamond: Idlewild's 'Hope is Important' comes as close to perfection as a rock band can.

Change of Routine: A guest conductor added an unexpected charge to the San Jose Symphony.

Playing Her Heart: Jazz pianist Jessica Williams seeks unity with her music.

Aural Fixation: South Bay music community grieves together after losing one of its own.

Juggling Act: Director and star Chi Muoi Lo tries to do too much in 'Catfish in Black Bean Sauce.'

Red Menace: Russian criminals, zonked on tabloid TV, attack in '15 Minutes.'

Honey Bare: Karen Finley brings her latest work--and lots of honey coating--to San Jose.

Tell-All Motel: Everyday lives are anything but in City Lights' 'Suburban Motel Part 2.'

Roll Over Beethoven: Art finally enters the 21st century at '010101.'

Tray Sweet: Blake's, in downtown San Jose's San Pedro Square, still rules among the meat & potatoes crowd.

A La Carte: First-class dining abroad.

[Staff Box]
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