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'Darkness in El Dorado' In Cyberspace
Several websites have been set up to address the Darkness in El Dorado controversy.
The best is by University of Connecticut graduate student Doug Hume, and includes all major documents, as well as position statements, press releases, newspaper articles and reviews, and message "threads" from email discussion groups.
The W.W. Norton site includes Tierney's New Yorker article, his responses to several critiques, links to favorable newspaper reviews, testimonials and the book's nominating citation for the National Book Award.
The University of California at Santa Barbara site includes statements by Chagnon and the university's preliminary report on Tierney's book.
The University of Michigan site contains the university's critique of Tierney's book and a strong defense of James Neel.
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From the February 22-28, 2001 issue of Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper.
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