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Odd Facts
Real Public Service Programs
64 percent of the respondents who had sex with someone who got laid off last year were Democrats.
Where's the Escape Key?
44.5 percent of respondents who lost their virginity accidentally now work in the tech sector.
So That's What They Mean By 'Magic Wand'
66 percent of valley Wiccans own sex toys.
Praise the Ford
22 percent of Christians had sex in a car last year.
Dumb Joke Here About 'Dangling Chad'
28.2 percent of locals who wondered who won the Florida election last year also emailed someone a naked picture of themselves.
Made in the U.S.A.
92 percent of the respondents who purchased an American flag last year also downloaded Internet porn.
Only If It's a Mac
3.7 percent of respondents who had sex with a co-worker also wondered, "If I'm attracted to my computer, am I gay?"
Sexy Questions
Here are some of the sexual mysteries pondered in 2001:
Why are there so few "escort services" for women?
Why aren't women as aggressive as men?
Is the G-spot an urban legend?
What's the difference between love and sex?
Why are men absolutely hypnotized by women's breasts?
What would life be like loving a TV set?
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From the February 14-20, 2002 issue of Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper.
Copyright © Metro Publishing Inc. Metroactive is affiliated with the Boulevards Network.
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