Cover: Forest for the Trees
Shunning the controversy and costs of harvesting in forests to the north, loggers have big plans for the timber-rich Santa Cruz Mountains. But residents, disturbed by the potential environmental destruction, are mounting their own opposition.
News: Un-Tattoo You
San Jose wants to help former gang members start with a clean slate by removing visible tattoos. Is this money well spent, or are gang affiliations more than skin deep?
Off Camera: The money ran out and the media benefactors drifted, but Your Voices Count continued to speak out. Can this volunteer group of armchair political reformers still be heard?
Savoring All the Flavors: Zakiya Hooker, John Lee's singing daughter, samples the full range of the blues on new album.
Audiofile: Reviews of the latest CDs by the Grouch, Pat Boone, Danny Tenaglia and Kinfolk.
Beat Street: Rooster show gives lesson in major-label thinking.
Country Charm: Nouveau Trattoria's tireless chef/owner Annie Mocho Nunan conjures comfort with Basque family-style dinners and a repertoire of roast pork, poached salmon and pastas.
Bargain Bites: Naz Cafe has enough authentic flavors and low prices to make it a true cultural bargain.
The King and His Spinoff: From 'King of the Hill' to 'Daria,' will TV ever depict smarts smartly?
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