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newspaper cover For the Week of
January 27-February 2, 2000

News: Unkindest Cuts
Increasing numbers of men who were circumcised as infants are reclaiming their lost foreskins via surgery and home treatments.

Metropolis News Extras

  • Los Gatos: Elmwood body shop to make Town fire truck safe for kids.
  • Campbell: City finalizes changes to San Tomas Plan.

Cat Tales: How a pet can turn a simple flight home into a hairy saga.

Public Eye: Clinton unlikely to come to valley for Honda before primary. Cop goes to court over uniform. The other Metro.

Electric Ice Cream: Everything tastes good on Clinton's exuberant paean to dance music, 'Disco and the Halfway to Discontent.'

Poised for a Breakout: If the San Jose Chamber Orchestra can tame the acoustics at Le Petit Trianon, all indicators point up.

Aural Fixation: Elusive singer-songwriter Stuart Davis outdoes himself with bright new album.

Audiofile: Reviews of new CDs by Julie Miller, Laidlaw and Pathos.

Murmurs Of the Heartland: Sigourney Weaver struggles to survive farm life in 'A Map of the World.'

Operetta Room: Mike Leigh revels in Victorian pleasures in 'Topsy-Turvy.'

Cinequest Time: San Jose's annual film festival arrives Feb. 24 bearing premieres, tributes, indies and documentaries.

Wrasslin' Andy: The real Andy Kaufman talks wrestling in 'My Breakfast With Blassie.'

God's Gumshoe: Ed Harris tracks a saint in Agnieszka Holland's 'The Third Miracle.'

Media Hoards: Yet another global empire to subjugate you.

Visit to Tuscany: Reviewer Joe Izzo raves about Palo Alto's Osteria, a favorite for all reasons.

A La Carte: Word is out on Le Zest, Campbell's delicious little secret.

[Staff Box]
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