[Metro This Week]

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InterPersonals: Silicon Valley's matchmaker

Best of the Silicon Valley


Bars, Clubs & Cafes


Silicon Valley Almanack

For the Week of
January 9-15, 2003

Cover Story: RoboFlop
Time machines, clones, ID chips, flying cars: Will the 21st Century finally deliver our space age dreams?

Public Eye: Eye's sources say San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzales' popularity is shrinking daily.

Biter: Auto Politics.

Techsploits: Psychedelic Sci-Fi.

Glue It Yourself: Anno Domini's 'Zines' exhibit documents the cheap, self-producing world of zines from across the country.

Grumpy Old Man: 'About Schmidt' delivers Midwestern angst lite.

Prison Bound: Film noir '25th Hour' shows off director Spike Lee at his sharpest, angriest best.

Deke Chic: Deke Dickerson is the genuine article.

Aural Fixation: Sacramento's Luxt unleashes 'American Beast.'

Upper Crust: Life's not just cherries and graham crackers at Santa Clara's Cheesecake Factory.

[Staff Box]
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