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Services available to homeless youth
Above the Line
PO Box 2822
Santa Cruz, CA 95063-2822
Provides transitional housing, services and job training for 13- to 17-year-old homeless youth in Santa Cruz County. Focuses on working with children who want to end their homelessness.
Bridge School/Above the Line
Transitional school for homeless teens.
Child Abuse Reporting Hotline
24-hour service to report suspected child abuse.
Children's Mental Health Services
Counseling and referrals for at-risk teens.
Health Services Agency
Downtown Outreach Worker Deanna Laws
Provides street social work including outreach, support and referrals.
Drop-In Center
412 Front St., Santa Cruz 95060
Free and anonymous HIV testing and disease prevention education.
Youth hours on Thursdays 12:30-4pm--free pizza, movies and condoms available.
Drug Abuse and Crisis Intervention
Focus on Recovery Hotline
24-hour service.
Equinox Center
755 Cedar St.
Resource for gay, bisexual and questioning men under 29.
Homeless Community Resource Center
115 Coral St., Santa Cruz
Food, shelter, showers and laundry facilities. Access to job placement and medical referrals.
Homeless Garden Project
Organic garden and women's organic flower projects employ homeless adults and youth.
Homeless Persons Health Project
Provides medical treatment, advice and advocacy for the homeless. Assists in setting up health coverage, does case management and provides counseling and referrals about violence or abuse.
The Living Room
PO Box 4004
Free coffee shop on Friday and Saturday nights at the Elm Street Mission, 117 Elm St. Open to anyone under the age of 25.
National Runaway Switchboard
24-hotline, crisis counseling and intervention, assistance to homeless youth and youth trying to return home.
Home Free service provides free bus tickets home.
New Horizons School
Transitional school for homeless or disadvantaged children.
Santa Cruz AIDS Project
HIV prevention and education.
Santa Cruz County Office of Education
Homeless Education Outreach office.
Santa Cruz Needle Exchange
HIV prevention; focuses on harm reduction for intravenous drug users.
Youth Crisis Hotline
Youth Services
425-0771, North County
688-8856, South County
Homeless outreach for 12- to 18-year-olds. Does family and individual counseling, provides a clean and sober high school, and works with youth on probation and gang intervention. 24-hour crisis line available for parents and teens, and emergency shelter available up to three nights.
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From the December 17-23, 1998 issue of Metro Santa Cruz.
Copyright © Metro Publishing Inc. Maintained by Boulevards New Media.
